We’ve curated knowledge from the remote community to give you actionable answers to use right now. Content is sourced from key thought leaders, our network’s 350,000+ remote developers, trending Twitter threads, and top-cited articles.
A screenshot/screen recording saves time, is useful to add to documentation, and aids async communication. Before you begin, think about what the "final product" should look like (what's the structure, what you want to convey, etc.).
Tools to try:
Links to tools: Loom, CloudApp, Nimbus Capture, LiceCap
You can use a pair programming platform, a code editor with live sharing functionality, or screensharing tools with remote access.
If you have the budget, specific pair programming platforms will typically provide a smoother experience and better remote functionalities than the other options. For the latter options, your team will need to use the supported code editors or screensharing tools.
If you're looking for a mentor to pair program with, you can also use a pair programming platform (like Codementor)
Links to tools: Tuple, USE Together, Teletype for Atom, Visual Studio Live Share, Zoom, TeamViewer
Background noise can be annoying and even if you're working in a closed-off room, it's sometimes unavoidable. If you're using the mic on your laptop, try using headphones with a mic instead.
Some other tools to try:
Links to the tools: ModMic Uni, Krisp, Noise Blocker, Bose QC 35 II
It's important to ask yourself, how do you normally collaborate visually with your team? If you like to use sticky notes, write things on a whiteboard, draw mindmaps or tables, there are online whiteboarding tools that you can use.
Some tools to choose from:
Miro, Mural, Coggle, Mindmeister, Trello, Asana, Draw.io, Lucidchart